Monday, January 16, 2017

Crackfics Are Interesting Things...

According to, "'Crackfic' is a term for a story which takes a ridiculous premise as its starting point, such as casting all the canon characters as My Little Ponies. It may or may not deal with this premise in a serious way." 

Hence Star Wars, My Little Pony version was born, set a few years before Phantom Menace... 

Kit Fisto, young Jedi Knight (above) 

Mace Windu, Jedi Knight (above)

Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Knight (above)

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan (above)

Padme Amidala, Princess of Theed (above)

Darth Plagueis, Sith Lord (above)

Sheev Palpatine, Senator / Darth Sidious, Sith Lord (above) 


  1. Eeeeeeeeee, Obi-Wan's so cuuuuute!!! I thought he was Padmé at first, honestly. xD But You nailed her. And Palpatine! Plagueis is hilarious... I haven't actually gotten any more done today.

    1. I know... I squee-ed over Baby!Obi-Wan a bit after I finished him. He's just so cuddly! I'm not sure about Mace, he was a tough one. Plagueis is just so... gangly. xD And Palpatine is really not very happy about all this. :D
